Special Thanks to our Partners:
- Motul Germany - Cheems Racing - racecarsforyou.com
Time for a change!
Tired of SimRacing Teams that only accept super high skilled drivers? We are here to change that! We want to make the competition available for everyone. Focusing on LFM as well as iRacing we want to build our team out of strong, experienced and rookie drivers to enshure fun and fair competition for everyone.
Necessary Qualifications📑
You don't need any experience to join us. How do things work then?
Based on your safety rating and ELO or iRating you will be put into a Driver Team, either the Rookie Team or the Driver Academy.
If a Teamleader wants to recruit drivers for the main competitions he will spectate some of the Driver Academy's sessions. He then decides wether or not to let them drive in higher level races. After they proved themselfes in high level competition, they will be promoted to race with the Main Team
If you already have a bunch of experience and the neccessary ELO, safety and iRating, you may start in the IWR | Academy or IWR | Main Team
Why should you join us?
Some of our benefits!➕
Individual Training
Our IWR | Teamleaders are there for you. They train and work with the Rookies and Academy Drivers to improve pace, confidence and racecraft! Once a week we all come together to train and have fun as a team!
All Series United
We race in all available series on LFM and iRacing. From Formula style racing to GT racing and endurance racing, we do everything. We also run in different Leagues such as ACC-GT.
Homepage & Discord
We've got a pretty good developed Discord that we use as our hub. There we announce driver pairings, race results and other stuff. On our homepage we'll keep everyone up to date and everyone who wants to apply can fill out the application form on the homepage!
Custom Liveries & Logos
We've got team liveries for almost every car in ACC and there are more to come for AC and iRacing. We also have four different logos for the Team to choose from if they want to use them.
Setups, Presets & Custom Designs
Our Setup Creators will create custom setups based on your needs. Our Designers will make everything you need for your Twitch, Instagram or any other things you'd like. Just ask.
Join us now!
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